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 地点:广东  发布时间:2022/12/12 11:27:07 字体大小:+

SZBL Liang Lab Team Job Post

About SZBL

Shenzhen Bay Laboratory, referred to as SZBL hereafter, is a newly established Guangdong Provincial Laboratory. Located in the heart of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area, SZBL aspires to be a world-class research institution and intellectual hub dedicated to understanding the fundamental biology underlying health and diseases.

The overarching goal of SZBL is to provide full-spectrum approaches to disease prevention and intervention from basic research to bedside. Key focuses of research include cancer, cardiovascular diseases, metabolic diseases, neurological and psychiatric disorders, and infectious diseases.

As a rapidly growing institution, SZBL has set up 14 institutes and centers (academic units), built state-of-the-art core facilities and attracted more than 90 world-class research groups with multidisciplinary backgrounds and professional expertise to push forward the vision of “Science for Global Health”. For more information about SZBL and its research, please visit https://www.szbl.ac.cn/.

About Molecular Physiology Institute

Institute of Molecular Physiology is focused on studying molecular biology and molecular basis of physiological processes. Molecular physiology research includes studies on the basic molecular biology events such as gene duplication, repair, expression regulation, its regulation mechanism in important biological processes such as development, aging and disease, as well as research and application of molecular biology technologies in molecular evolution, gene editing, and molecular marker development.

About Liang Lab Team

Zhuobin Liang

In 2008, he received his Bachelors degree in Plant Biotechnology from Shanghai Jiao Tong University with the first place in his major under Kexuan Tang and Lingxia Zhao as mentors. He received his PhD in Molecular Biology from the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor in 2015 under the guidance of Thomas Wilson and Tzvi Tzfira. From 2015 to 2021, he worked as a Postdoctoral Researcher at Yale University, with his tutors Farren Isaacs, Gary Kupfer and Patrick Sung. During this period, he participated in a number of research projects with a total value about 1 million dollars as PI or Co-PI, and published more than 10 high-level papers. As the first author or co-corresponding author, the paper was published in the journals of Nature Communications, Nucleic Acid Research, Cell Report, Plant Physiology, etc. Published several papers as co-author in Nature Biotechnology, ACS Central Science, Nature Communicates, PLOS Genetics, Journal of Biochemistry, etc. Zhuobin Liang joined the Institute of Molecular Physiology ofSZBL in April 2021 as full-time Assistant Professor.

The laboratory will be focused on developing and applying enabling genomic technologies to decode the complex genetic networks underlying novel functions of biological systems and the molecular underpinnings of human diseases and aging. Zhuobin Liang have a multidisciplinary background across different biological and biomedical divisions with training and expertise in genome instability, genome engineering, cancer biology, synthetic biology, yeast genetics, plant biotechnology, biochemistry, systems biology and virology. The unique approach of Liang laboratory is to integrate genome engineering, biomedical science and synthetic biology through systematic dissection and modulation of cellular DNA repair and RNA regulation processes in diverse experimental models. The aims are to (i) develop new and advanced genome engineering technologies to facilitate biomedical research, (ii) better understand genome instability in human diseases for their prevention, early diagnostics and treatment, (iii) develop new precision medicine toolsets for cancer immunotherapy and gene therapy, and (iv) engineer new synthetic biology platforms for discovery and biosynthesis of therapeutic products.

Research directions:

1. Next-generation genome editing technology development and precision medicine application

2. Molecular mechanisms of genome instability in cancer, aging and diseases

3. Synthetic biology innovations related to biomedicine

Liang Lab website: https://www.szbl.ac.cn/scientificresearch/researchteam/895.html

Job Description

Position 1: Postdoctoral Associate

No. of Vacancies: 1-2 persons


1. Conduct scientific research under the guidance of mentor and welcome carry out own projects to join the research group for cooperation.

2. Assist to apply for funding of National Natural Science Foundation and provincial and municipal projects or apply for personal postdoctoral science funding.


1. Have or will have a PhD degree in cell biology, molecular biology and biochemistry, tumor biology, genomics, pharmacology, genetics, etc. Experience in yeast and microbial experiments, cell tissue culture, nucleic acid and protein manipulation, gene editing, genome sequencing, drug screening or animal experimental research is preferred. Other professional backgrounds such as chemistry, physics and engineering may also be considered according to the specific subject.

2. Have strong interest in scientific research and good English literature reading and writing ability.

3. Have published or will publish research papers in the field, and have the ability to carry out research independently.

4. With outstanding academic ethics and professional ethics, good communication skills and teamwork spirit, hardworking, honest and self-motivated.


1. World-class scientific vision and research training, innovative research atmosphere, friendly and supportive research environment;

2. Provide highly competitive salary in domestic biomedical field, 400,000-500,000 RMB per year (including Shenzhen subsidy of 180,000 RMB per year and SZBL post-doctoral project subsidy of 100,000 RMB per year if apply successfully);

3. Provide the relevant benefit, Five Insurances and Housing Fund. Assist the childrens admission to kindergartens/schools shall be carried out according to the relevant regulations of SZBL;

4. Provide international-level research conditions and sufficient financial support, and fully support the postdoc to apply for various fund projects

5. According to the relevant policies of Guangming District of Shenzhen, if the applicant has been approved to be funded by Shenzhen outbound postdoctoral research, continue to work in SZBL and sign a labor contract for more than 3 years, will receive a three-year living subsidy of 100,000 RMB per year.

6. Outstanding candidates may apply for the Shenzhen Bay Fengji Scholars Fund to receive an additional three-year research grant of 100,000 RMB/year;

7. SZBL public housing and canteen subsidy

Position 2: Research Assistant

No. of Vacancies: 1-2 persons


Conduct research under the guidance of mentor or carry out own scientific research that you are interested in, and complete other work contents arranged by the lab.


1. Bachelor degree or above in biology, chemistry, medical bioengineering or related science and engineering.

2. Working experience required, effluence English level is preferred.

3. Familiar with conventional molecular biology experimenter or good R, Matlab, Python ability is preferred.

4. Strong ability in experimental operation, independent thinking and problem solving, good team spirit and communication skills.


Offer highly competitive salary in the field of biomedicine in China: an annual salary of 80,000-120,000 RMB for bachelors degree and 120,000-150,000 RMB for masters degree. For qualified applicants,SZBL can assist in applying for various relevant talent programs in Shenzhen.

Candidates with academic potential and excellence can enter Shenzhen Bay lab joint doctoral program with the University of Hong Kong/ Hong Kong University of Science and Technology/ IDIBELL Institute of Barcelona, Spain/ Capital Medical University, or the joint master program of Capital Medical University/ Southern University of Science and Technology/ South China University of Technology, etc.

Position 3: Joint PhD Student(SZBL-HKUST/SZBL-HKU)

No. of Vacancies: 1-2 persons


Conduct research under the guidance of mentor in Hong Kong and Shenzhen Bay Lab within four years (two years for each place).


1.Academic qualifications: Bachelors degree or Master’s degree in recognized institutions with good performance.

2.GPA: For master graduate applicants, their undergraduate and master’s GPA should reach at least 3.0/4.0. For undergraduate applicants, their GPA should reach at least 3.0/4.0. For undergraduate applicants who intend to apply for HKU, their GPA should reach at least 3.6/4.0.

3. English: Applicants must have one of the following English language skills:

a )TOEFL-Internet-Based Test (IBT):80

b )TOEFL - Paper-Based Test (PBT): 550

c )New TOEFL (revised paper-delivered test): 60 (total score for reading, listening, and writing)

d )IELTS (Academic): total score: 6.5, single subject: 5.5.

4. Applicants must meet all admission requirements of the partner universities

5. All English test score reports should be valid by October 1, 2023.

Attention: Applicants are not required to present TOEFL or IELTS score if one of the following conditions are met:

1. Their native language is English.

2. They obtained a bachelors degree (or equivalent) in an English teaching program. (The respective proof document should be provided.)


1.The research group will provide grants and monthly subsidy (students with excellent performance can apply for SZBL Scholarship, etc.);

2.Shenzhen Bay lab will provide dormitory (double bed room with independent bathroom and air conditioning) and canteen in SZBL.

3.Shenzhen Bay lab will provide commercial insurance (including accident, outpatient, hospitalization, serious disease, etc.) during stay in SZBL.

Application Documents for Postdoctoral Associate & Research Assistant:

Please send CV, personal statement, research proposal, two-three reference letters and other documents in PDF format and send to zbliang@szbl.ac.cn, and CC to hexy@szbl.ac.cn. Please state “Name_Research Assistant” in the email subject. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis until all positions are filled.

Application Documents for Joint PhD Student:

1. Resume (CV) (English and Chinese);

2. Personal statement (English);

3. Research proposal (English);

4. Two reference letters (English/Chinese);

5. A scanned copy of the TOEFL/IELTS test report;

6. A scanned copy of the transcript (must be stamped with the seal of the school and attached with the transcript description and grading scale, which usually follows right after the transcript);

7. Scanned copies of Personal identity documents;

8. Scanned copy of academic degree certificate;

9. Academic credentials and academic status information certification: Electronic Registration Record Form for Diploma Certificate issued by Ministry of Education, and Online Verification Examination of Academic Status issued by Ministry of Education. Website: http://www.chsi.com.cn/

10. Additional materials (such as thesis, publications, patents, honor certificate, and professional certificate).

Please send all documents above in PDF format to zbliang@szbl.ac.cn, and CC to hexy@szbl.ac.cn. Please state “Name_Liang Lab HK Joint- PhD Students Recruitment”in the email subject. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis until all positions are filled.


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